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Day 11

Well, today I had to leave Jake alone when I went back to work. I put him in the study, were there are no beds or couches he might jump up on. Also put on his E-collar… which he really doesn’t like. When I got home and opened the door to the study, he was already standing… ready to go! Took him out to do his thing… he seemed really tired afterwards. He slept until Jacques came home from work….

He just ate his dinner… super appetite, as usual… and went back into the TV room and plopped down on his bed. Maybe he did too much hopping around yesterday and is more sore today… I don’t know. He goes back to his favorite vet, Dr. Lucado, this Friday… to remove his stitches. Hopefully he’ll be feeling alot better by then!

His incision looks alot better today… all dried up compared to this weekend. Yay!

Tonite: Jake seems very tired tonite… not hopping around everywhere by himself like he did yesterday. Maybe he’s just tired from all the excitement of yesterday? I don’t know… I worry, of course. Tomorrow is another day, and we hope it’s much better…

But Wolfie is enjoying himself with all his toys on Jake’s bed and pillows!


5 Responses to “Day 11”

  1. YodasMom says:

    At this stage in Jake’s recovery, I’d say very tired is still very normal, even if he was perkier the day before. Sounds like he’s doing great and congrats to both of you (but mostly to you) on surviving your first day back to work since his amputation! (It was the first one, right? If not, congrats on surviving another day back at work during Jake’s recovery – I remember how hard that was to do without going crazy with worry).

  2. jerry says:

    Yep, I agree with YodasMom. He’s probably just tired. Try not to worry, the vet visit isn’t too far away.

    Oh and thank you so so much for becoming a Tripawds Supporter!!! Your support helps keep this site going. Thanks!!

  3. Ben says:

    Hang in there the first two-three weeks are a bit up an down. Rather tramatic for the pawrents but soon you will be on the solid road to recovery.
    Life is Better on 3 Legs than 4

  4. Mr. Man says:

    Trust Jake to tell you through his actions when he is tired and needs rest. You will see him continue to improve every day, and you are lucky that he is a Golden…it’s pretty tough to keep a good one down. Shiva had to rest a lot during the first couple of weeks after her surgery but has since ramped-up to her normal self, just in shorter bursts. She since has turned 10 but continues to eat well, dance her butt off and love life. Keep up the awesome work!
    Ps…visit us at
    We’d love to see you there soon!

  5. ThreeLegFred says:

    Hang in there Jake! We are all pulling for a speedy recovery! 🙂 Every day will be better.

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