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About Jake

Jake is happy, full of life golden retriever that just turned 10 in June, 2009. You couldn’t even tell he was a ‘senior’ except that his white face gives him away. He lives with his mom (Marguerite) and dad (Jacques), and his 4.5yr old brother (Wolfie) in Wesley Chapel, FL. We adopted Jake when he was 5 yrs old, and he has been a total joy to us! We got Wolfie as a puppy, about 6 months later, and they have been best buddies, ever since.




On Sunday, Aug 30th, Jake and Wolfie were enjoying their favorite thing, playing in the pool, just as they do every weekend. Little did we know… what was in store…

On Tuesday, Sept 1, 2009, all of our lives changed forever. While playing ball with Wolfie, Jake snapped his front left leg. X-rays showed a pathological fracture, and the next day he had a bone biopsy. One week later, the grim diagnosis of osteosarcoma. We were all devastated!



 So after doing tons of research, consulting with several vets, and alot of soul-searching, we schedule Jake for amputation surgery on the 17th. Wolfie constantly stayed by Jake’s side while we all waited.

 Yesterday (Sept 17) he had his leg amputated. The story continues…

17 Responses to “About Jake”

  1. Gilberte Obadia says:

    C’est une très jolie histoire.
    Bonne chance.

  2. Debi Burns says:

    My heart is with you guys. I understand how difficult this can be. I love you guys.

  3. shetsky says:

    your hubby looks like greg s.
    great pics!! are you gonna help out w/the jan. 2010 tampa conference??

  4. Uncle Steve & Auntie Denise says:

    Great idea!

  5. Dea & Ronan says:

    Give tons of kisses to Jake and all your concerned babies! We love you guys tons!

  6. Wotoczek K.J. says:

    We wish Jake speedy recovery.

    love you very much…..mommy & daddy

  7. Pam says:

    Been thinking of y0u all day. Glad he’s up and around. I think you’ll be happily surprised at how fast he bounces back.
    Love you guys!

  8. melanie says:

    I’m so sorry girl… my heart goes out to you both…
    speedy recovery!!!

  9. Mirny Barnes says:

    how sad, I can’t say what my final decision would have been. look forward to reading more. Thanks for sharing:)

  10. Lori says:

    What a great idea! Will keep on checking the page. I am so glad Jake came through surgery with flying colors and is back home with his family. Keep us updated!

  11. shetsky says:

    Hey rocker girl,
    I had just looked at the pics, I didnt read the copy- u know me, busy,busy. Im so sorry to hear ab Jake’s leg- but you know what? Ive seen dogs w/3 legs & they really do great.
    I’m very sure he will be able to swim & play just like he’s used to. It’s amazing how easily dogs adapt.
    L- Diva chick

  12. Maria says:

    Hang in there Jake! Your brother Wolfie will keep you active. We love you.

    Auntie Maria

  13. Great idea to have this nice blog! Just know you guys are in my prayers and don’t forget how blessed Jake is…to have such wonderful parents. He is living the best life a retriever can have! I love you FEEL BETTER SOON JAKE!!

  14. Greg says:

    I’m so glad to see he is doing better. And yes, you guys are Great parents and Jake is in the best of care!!!! Love you guys, Greg

  15. jakesmom says:

    We really appreciate all your wonderful comments and support! If only Jake could read, he would see how many people out there love him and are rooting for him!

  16. Bob & Becca says:

    Jake – We’re thinking of you buddy and am so so happy you’re doing so well! You look really cute and we both want to come and play with you when you’re feeling better! Lets get our parents together to talk about it and lets give them lots of kisses because that always works in getting our own way, he he.
    Love you, Bob & Becca xxxooo

  17. Wendy says:

    I am so sorry about Jake! He is such a beautiful boy and it is obvious how sweet his spirit was. I adopted my Golden Henri when he was five also. I have had 6 wonderful years with him. I found out a week ago that he has Osteosarcoma in his front right limb. Because he is such a big guy and has arthritis…I decided against amputation. It breaks my heart. I am not sure how much time we have left but I am blessed with each day. Henri is on Tramadol and we have an appointment next week for palliative radiation and the biphosphonate. My heart is broken but I am trying to be strong for him!

    It does help to read other stories similar to mine although I know the pain will be so difficult to endure.

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