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Monthly Archive for October, 2009

Day 44 – A little setback?

For the past 2 or so days, Jake seems to be having some problems walking. Not sure if he overexerted himself with playing a few nites ago. He seems to need extra help (with the harness) to get up and walk (hop) to go outside, or to get around the house. His back legs are […]

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Day 41 – So far so good

Well, it’s been a little over a month and a half since Jake had his front right leg amputated, due to osteosarcoma and he seems to be doing well so far. He still gets pretty tired after just hopping from one end of the house to another… but he has a great appetite, is alert, […]

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1 Month and 1 week

I’ve been in bed most of the day, fighting this stupid flu bug… But I got up earlier and took Jake and Wolfie to the pool. The weather was nice but the water was already getting cold… and Jake couldn’t wait to get in! We only stayed in the pool for about half an hour… […]

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Day 36 – Good Day

Today was a great day for Jake. He went into work with his dad (Jacques) while I stayed in bed with the flu, with Wolfie sleeping by my side… Jacques said that Jake met a new friend (girlfriend?), an adorable little Maltese named Phoebe. Of course he didn’t take any pictures of their encounter. ARRRHHH!! […]

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Day 31

Today was a chilly day in Florida… It only got up to the high 60’s… and with the wind, it was a little too cold to go swimming. So instead, we spent most of the afternoon on the patio, enjoying the nice cooler temps. Jake hopped around, checking everything out, as usual… He heard our […]

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1 Month Ampuversary!

Today is exactly 1 month since Jake had his amputation surgery. He is doing pretty well, although he still seems to tire easily. We went swimming today… trying out Jake’s new float coat… He was having a great time! It really helped him balance while he was swimming.   So now he’s just taking a […]

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Day 26 – Float Coat

Yesterday, Jake finally received his very own K9 Float Coat. It was a gift from an awesome Tripawd parent, Toto’s mom!!! We thank her with all our hearts for her wonderful generosity!!! Jake won’t go swimming until the weekend, but he just had to put on his new gift to model for everyone! It fits […]

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Day 25 – Sunbathing

Got home from work today and it was still hot and sunny… Took the doggies out to do their thing… Jake decided it was a wonderful day to sunbath. He looks so happy and relaxed… not a care in the world! Look how handsome he looks in his Ruffware harness… But… he’s not JUST sunbathing… he’s […]

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Day 23 – Swimming

Another hot, sticky and humid day here in Florida… so what does that mean? Pool Time!! Yay! This time Jake has his new harness on, so it was much easier to get him in and out of the pool. So Jake goes in and swims after his favorite blue ball… But he swam to the other […]

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Today is just 21 days post Jake’s amputation surgery. His Ruffware harness arrived today! I got home late from work and it was already getting dark… but Jake just had to pose in his new harness! It fits perfectly… and it doesn’t seem to bother his incision. Even Wolfie thinks it’s cool! Oh no! Does […]

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