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Monthly Archive for November, 2009

Three weeks have passed…

It’s been just 3 weeks since we lost Jake… but it feels like only yesterday he was still here with us. It’s so hard to believe that he is really gone… I miss my sweet golden angel so much… He had the most beautiful smile and the biggest heart… He was always so happy! Wolfie seems […]

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Wolfie missing his brother…

It’s been 12 days since Jake lost his battle with bone cancer… Wolfie has been missing his older brother alot… He wanders around the house… seems to be looking for Jake… Today we took Wolfie to play in the pool… He really enjoyed it! He took a little break from swimming… and I wonder if […]

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Our Golden Angel Jake…

It is with such deep sadness and regret that I write these words… Yesterday morning, Jake lost his battle to bone cancer. He lived his life to the fullest… in spite of this horrible and deadly disease… The last week of his life, he started having difficulty with weakness in his back legs. The last few […]

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Day 51 – Enjoying the sunshine

Today was a really beautiful and sunny day here in Florida. There was a nice breeze blowing… Jake was enjoying himself just lying in the warm sun.  He still can’t get up or walk on his own… We were secretly hoping that the sun might have some healing powers on his back and legs… but unfortunately, […]

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Day 50 – Still no improvement

There still hasn’t been much improvement with Jake’s back leg weakness. In fact, the past few days it has gotten worse and he can’t get up or walk around unless he is being supported by us with his harness. But he seems to be feeling good otherwise… and here are some pictures of him enjoying […]

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Well, it’s been exactly 6 weeks and 5 days (47 days) since Jake had his surgery. He’s been doing so well, up until just a couple of days ago. He’s been having problems (weakness?) with this back legs. We’re not sure if it’s due to his cancer spreading, or if it’s due to severe arthritis […]

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Swim Time – Great Therapy

Jake and Wolf went swimming this afternoon… Jake hasn’t been feeling to well lately (problems with his back legs?)… but he sure perked up when it was time to go swimming!  After swimming around 8 laps (wow… that’s more than me!) Jake decided he was pretty tired… so he laid around on the patio, watching […]

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