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Monthly Archive for September, 2009

Day 13

Today seemed long at work… Got home and Jake was standing, wagging his tail, ready to go out to pee… Some of his supplements came in today… We’ll start tonite. My friend Doris just sent me this beautiful video… which made me cry, tears of joy and hope.  All of you following Jake’s Journey will […]

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Day 12

What a difference a day makes. Jake seemed full of life when I got home today… hopping around the kitchen, watching what we’re making for dinner… Now he’s sleeping again… Hope each day he gets stronger and stronger!

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Day 11

Well, today I had to leave Jake alone when I went back to work. I put him in the study, were there are no beds or couches he might jump up on. Also put on his E-collar… which he really doesn’t like. When I got home and opened the door to the study, he was […]

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Day 10

Today is 10 days since Jake’s amputation surgery… and he seems to be doing pretty well. He’s still not running around as he did before, but he has been hopping around all by himself quite a few times today. He really, really wanted to go swimming with me and Wolfie today… but that’s just not […]

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Day 9

Today is 9 days post-op. Yesterday I removed Jake’s bandages… his incision looks good, except for a little redness and oozing from a small area. Last nite he hardly ever tried to lick at the incision… but when we went to sleep, we put on his E-collar, just in case! This morning, Jake was hopping […]

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Week 1

Yesterday:  It’s been exactly 7 days since Jake’s surgery. He was sleeping all morning, but seemed in much better spirits than the day before. He actually got up several times and hopped around all by himself… no sling! Then his Auntie Doris came over to visit and brought some yummy treats for Jake and Wolfie. After the […]

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Day 6

Today (6 days post-op) was a much better day than yesterday! Jake was sleeping all morning , and I decided to take Wolfie out to swim in the pool. I didn’t want to leave Jake alone, but also don’t want him to get his bandage wet… So I placed his bed in front of the […]

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Day 5

All of us finally slept through the nite. Yay! Jake seemed a little more tired today compared to yesterday. Went to the grocery store in the morning to pick up a few things and saw a cute stuffed duck and squirrel. Jake just loooooooves squirrels! So I had to get them. When I came home and […]

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Day 4

Well, last nite I hardly slept. Jake started whining around midnite… I thought maybe he was uncomfortable sleeping with his E-collar and took it off… but as soon as I did, he tried to lick and chew at his incision! Back went the collar! Then Jake sits up and starts  scratching at his  incision with […]

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Day 3

This Sunday we woke up late… 9:30 am. Jake decided he doesn’t want his bandage on anymore and started to chew it off. So… since he was scheduled to have it removed tomorrow anyways, we decided to take it all off. The wound looks good… clean… We put on a T-shirt, so he wouldn’t lick […]

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