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Week 2

This morning we had a little scare… When I took Jake out for his final peeps and poops before leaving for work… I noticed he was soaking wet!  It seemed that he had peed himself… all over the sling, doggie bed, etc. I couldn’t tell if it was from the sling just slipping too low when Jacques took him out to pee  earlier… or if Jake was starting to become incontinent.

So I had to carefully wash him off (without getting his incision wet)… then throw everything (including the sling) into the laundry. I couldn’t go to work… I had to stay home and watch him to see if it was really just from accidentally peeing all over his sling, or if his cancer had already started to progress and he was becoming incontinent!

Tonite: So as of tonite… no other incidents… which makes me more confident thinking that it was just a problem with his sling placement and nothing more serious than that!

So when Jacques got home… Jake hopped over to greet him… then he went outside with Wolfie to do his stuff… He waited in the kitchen while I prepared their meal… then everyone ate!


So, tonite ended quietly… without any problems… Thank goodness!!! Tomorrow Jake goes in to see the vet to remove his staples… and we’re hoping he gets the go-ahead to start swimming in the pool!!! That will definitely perk him up and make him happy!!  Plus, hydrotherapy is one of the treatments recommended to recover from an amputation… so it’s all good!!

6 Responses to “Week 2”

  1. shiloanne says:

    What a GREAT picture!!! I am glad Jake is doing so well…. I am sure he can’t wait to jump into that pool and go swimming. It looks like there won’t be anything holding him back either.. 🙂 You better post a pic of him swimming too….

  2. Polo says:

    Glad Jake’s OK–hope all goes well tomorrow. Polo.

  3. Ben says:

    Sorry to hear about the scare. I had a few accidents too.

    Should have seen my peeps face when I was sound a sleep in the middle of the family room and started to have a #2. We laugh about it now, we didn’t laugh then.

    Might ask the vet if the meds could be impacting Jake’s awarness of his bladder and/or bowel.

    Swimming is a tripawds best friend. Especially when they are a golden. 🙂

    Hang in there.

  4. tmayers says:

    Sorry to hear about the scare but I suspect the sling may have slipped. Toby was wetting his tee shirts when I didn’t have them tied up. Today we got the stitches out and no more shirts – he has a bad haircut though because of the ultra sound. He’s getting along pretty well. Starts chemo tomorrow. Keep us posted… Hugs, T & T

  5. Brenda says:

    Always remember that

    Roadblocks aren’t barriers.. they open your eyes to other routes.

    Can’t wait to hear about Jake’s reaction to his first swim as a Tripawd!

  6. tootsweets says:

    Sounds like Jake is doing well! I am sure he will be thrilled to get back in the water. Are you planning on doing chemo?

    Now that Toto had his second surgery, he is even further behind Jake… but it still gives me hope to see how great Jake is recovering. 🙂

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