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Day 20

I just got home from work… and let Jake out of the study to go outside and do his business with Wolfie. I didn’t have to use the sling to help him walk… He (bunny) hopped all the way out all by himself and did his thing. Yay! I couldn’t find his E-collar before I left for work this morning… but he doesn’t seem to have licked at his incision today. Double Yay!!

If he keeps doing this well by next week, I won’t leave him in the study when we leave for work anymore. Hopefully, he’ll be OK. My biggest fear is that he’ll jump up on the couch (he is a big couch potatoe!) and that he’ll hurt himself when he tries to jump off when we come home… We’ll see how that goes.

3 Responses to “Day 20”

  1. shiloanne says:

    That is great!! I wouldn’t worry too much about the couch thing. Shilo has been jumping up and down off our bed since her staples came out. (well once before but shhh.. we didn’t tell the vet that she promised not to do that anymore) She now jumps up and down like a pro. And yes it scares me everytime she does it, but it is part of what she loves to do. She gets on our bed, lays on our pillows, and day dreams while looking outside. It has always been her favorite spot. So we let her do it, and each time mom cringes, but she seems to be doing very well. They kinda take a slow the first few times at least she did. I wish she still took it slower.. 🙂 So glad to hear Jake is doing so well…

  2. Ben says:

    BOL!!! – I jumped on the couch 2 days after amuputation and sure at the end of a long day I sucker the peeps into giving me a lift up but – have no fear the couch is every dogs friend.

  3. Christina says:

    I can’t thank you enough for posting all of this on a blog. Jake has done fantastic and it is just the encouragement we needed. Our golden retriever, Solo, was just diagnosed with synovial cell carcinoma of her right rear leg. She is scheduled for amputation on Friday. It has been a very stressful week but fortunately the cancer seems to be contained to her one leg. She is only seven years old and we love her so much! Your blog has given us so much hope and a better idea as to what to expect after surgery. Jake is a wonderful dog and he is fortunate to have such loving parents.

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