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Barney’s Visit

Barney arrived in sunny Florida to visit with Angel Jake’s family, Wolfie and Nala… Wolfie was excited to see what was in the box. Even Nala was curious…


Wolfie introduced himself to Barney by showing him all his teeth, just in case Barney got any funny ideas…

Now that Barney knew who’s boss… Wolfie took him on a tour of the house…

 Nala introduced herself to Barney and asked him about his travels so far… Barney said he was just happy to be out of that box! Nala also gave him some tips on how to handle Wolfie… since she has masterd this technique in the past few months.

Nala supervised the visit and reminded Wolfie to be gentle with Barney…

Next day Barney got to hang out at the little botanical gardens on the patio.

 Hmmm… that pool sure looks inviting!

Barney sat at the edge of the pool for a while… contemplating his life on the road, being mauled by so many different dogs…

He must have had a weak moment and decided to end it all… and jumped in, or maybe he fell in… or maybe Wolfie pushed him in!

Oh no! It seems that Barney can’t swim… So Wolfie jumped in! SPLASH!!

“Don’t worry Barney… I’ll save you!!”

Wolife dragged a soaking wet Barney out of the pool and tried to resucitate him… Looks like Barney will be OK!

Wolfie picked up Barney and ran around the pool to help him dry off!

Barney finally had enough of all this excitement an decided to hide from Wolfie so he could dry off in peace! Wolfie was wondering where Barney disappeared to…

“Hey Barney, where are you? Don’t you wanna play anymore??”

Later that evening, once Barney had dried off and rested up, he was ready to party!! He played a little guitar, sang… and drank a little too much! He sure slept well that nite!!

Wolfie shared his dinner each nite with Barney (he was very careful not to accidentally eat Barney)…

… and for the rest of the visit, Wolfie just hung out with Barney every chance he got…

He also introduced Barney to his little black bear toy… and tried to chew on both of them at the same time. Easy for Wolfie to do, since he has such a big mouth!

While Barney was here, he went online to visit Jake’s blog. He wanted to read all about Jake’s courageous battle with bone cancer. Wish Jake could have met Barney in person… but I’m sure he was watching everything from the Rainbow Bridge… wondering what Barney’s insides really taste like!

Well, Barney’s visit is finally over and he’s ready to get back on the KillBarney tour and visit the next lucky tripawds home.

Bon voyage Barney!! Hope you had fun with Wolfie and Nala… They will miss you!

11 Responses to “Barney’s Visit”

  1. ldillon81 says:

    OH MY GOSH!!! Too funny! Those pictures were awesome…Barney seems to be up for everything, doesn’t he?!? Your home is gorgeous, so I’m sure the purple dinosaur had a lovely visit…minus the spending 1/2 his time there inside a mouth of german shepherd teeth. I JUST noticed that Barney is waving goodbye on the front porch in that last photo…you’re so creative! Loved the update 🙂

    <3 Laura and Jackers

  2. Tana says:

    Looks like Wolfie and Nala showed Barney a great time ! Love the pictures. Barney better learn to swim ! Where would he be if Wolfie hadn’t been there to rescue him? Hmmmm??

  3. etgayle says:

    what a great adventure for barney!! thanks for sharing all the pictures – like being there!

    gayle & charon

  4. Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Aw, Barney. Looks like you’re none the worse for wear at all. Great pictures, great adventures, great hosts and hostesses, stunning pool, beautiful home. What more could a purple dinosaur ask for?

    Well done, eh! Keep on truckin’ Barney.

    Carmen, Catie and Riley

  5. rubyaz says:

    Wow ! You guys showed Barney a great time, I bet he is going to be sad to get into the box again!

    Jo Ann & Tasha

  6. maggie says:

    Holy Moly!
    Barney had quite the visit!!! Glad you got a splash in the pool too! ‘Bout time you had a bath!! LOL

    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  7. jakesmom says:

    Wolfie had such a fun time chewing and torchuring Barney… and when it was time to put Barney in a box to send him back on the tour, Wolfie kept trying to pull Barney out!

    I know that Wolfie is going to miss Barney alot! I may have to even go out and buy him his very own Barney… although he won’t have all the wonderful smells of all the previous tripawds…

    On to the next lucky tripawd!!!

    Angel Jake and Wolfie’s Mom

  8. Ginger says:

    Between the time in the water, the guitar playing, singing and drinking rum, are you sure Jimmy Buffett isn’t masquerading as a small purple dinosaur?? It’s really too bad Jake couldn’t have met Barney. What do you think Jake would have done? Would he have stopped Wolfie from saving that ol’ dinosaur or would Jake have led the rescue pawty?

  9. Oh those are some great pics of Barnie and Wolfie! I really like the one where Wolfie and Barnie are sitting on your beautiful couch together – fit for 2 kings! What a great adventure in the pool too! I’m so glad Wolfie saved Barney’s life – a very close call for Barney. It looks like Barney had a great visit with his friends Wolfie and Nala! 🙂

  10. Rubydawg says:

    Wow, Wolfie & Nala–you really set the bar high for being the best host & hostess ever! Pool, pawtying, lovely accomodations, AND you saved his life (surely you deserve some ice cream for that!). I’m sure Angel Jake was enjoying the show, too.


  11. jerry says:

    Hey Barney, I’m pretty certain it’s a bad idea to get trashed and pass out around a big boy like WOLFIE! Dude, you look like you were on spring break or something. What a BLAST!

    It does my heart good to see you entertaining my Tripawds family. Thanks for holding it together long enough to make a good impression. I can’t wait to see where you go next.

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