Oct 10th, 2009 by jakesmom
Another hot, sticky and humid day here in Florida… so what does that mean? Pool Time!! Yay! This time Jake has his new harness on, so it was much easier to get him in and out of the pool.
So Jake goes in and swims after his favorite blue ball… But he swam to the other end of the pool and before I could stop him, he tried to jump up from the love seat (like he always used to before)… and he fell… with a huge thud right on his incision!!! I thought I was going to die! I swam over to him as fast as I could to help him get up… thinking he had hurt himself. But he just got up like nothing happened, and started to hop around the pool.
Wolf was happy just hanging out with Jake.
This time, I made sure I was next to the love seat, in case Jake got the silly idea to try and jump out of the pool by himself again.
The new harness is great, but it doesn’t help him float while he swims, so Jacques decided to put on a float belt we had lying around. It doesn’t fit that well, but it sure helped. Can’t wait until his K9 float coat arrives…
Just taking a break now from swimming… Jake is having a great time. Wolfie is such a camera hog!
Back to swimming…
Jake had a great time today… except for the fall which almost gave me a freaken heart attack! Jake decided he finally had enough of swimming for the day, and sat on the patio watching Wolfie swim.