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Well, it’s been exactly 6 weeks and 5 days (47 days) since Jake had his surgery. He’s been doing so well, up until just a couple of days ago.

He’s been having problems (weakness?) with this back legs. We’re not sure if it’s due to his cancer spreading, or if it’s due to severe arthritis or hip dysplasia. To rule things out, we decided to go ahead and give him Adequan (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan) injections… First one was last nite. It’s given to dogs with severe degernerative joint disease. It’s given twice a week and usually takes a week or two of injections before you seen any effect. We’re hoping that is the cause of his back leg weakness… and not the alternative… his cancer spreading.

Today there has been no change… but things aren’t any worse… So, we are keeping our fingers crossed and hope for the best. Jake is still in great spirits, great appetite, and is interested in all his surroundings and playing with us and Wolfie. Only problem he has is walking or standing.

Keep sending good thoughts our way… we need them all!!  I’ll keep you all posted!

6 Responses to “Day 47 – Things are up in the air…”

  1. band09 says:

    Hi Jake & Mom,
    Bandit & I just want you to know we have been thinking about you a lot over the last several days and hope things are okay. Jake is adorable and we sure hope he has a turn around and things begin to get better. It’s very hard…I know that all too well also. I will be saying some more prayers for Jake and for you as well. Both of you hang in there! Love, Misty & Bandit

  2. jerry says:

    We really hope this goes away soon, whatever it is. Hang in there guys. Lots of us have had setbacks. My parents once thought I had an ACL tear after my amputation. The pain went away after a few weeks and some acupuncture.

    Try not to worry OK? I know, I know, easier said than done.

    Keep us posted.

  3. Ben says:

    Hang in there Jake. Pawscrossed things turn pawsative quickly.

  4. You are in our thoughts Jake! It is very hard to have setbacks, but stay strong! You are a golden-you rule!! Enjoy every day!! Keep us posted.

  5. shiloanne says:

    Just know our love, thoughts, and prayers are with you!! Hang in there Jake we love watching you swim!!

    Love Shilo & Mom

  6. Chris says:

    Hello. Just to say our thoughts and best wishes are with you let hope these injections do the job.
    Keep enjoy and eating!! Chris & Barney

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