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There still hasn’t been much improvement with Jake’s back leg weakness. In fact, the past few days it has gotten worse and he can’t get up or walk around unless he is being supported by us with his harness.

But he seems to be feeling good otherwise… and here are some pictures of him enjoying the warm sun and fresh air and playing with Wolfie on the patio today…

If you didn’t know about his cancer and amputation… I’ll bet you’d never guess there was anything wrong with him… Just that he’s too lazy to get off his bed to play… But unfortunately, we know otherwise. We just want him to be happy and enjoy his life… for however long he has left! 🙂









Here are some videos of Jake and Wolfie… This one is of Jake playing with his bear… Wolfie is lying next to him…

In these 2 videos, Wolfie is teasing Jake and then they play a little tug-of-war… Wolfie is taking advantage of Jake not being able to walk… and drags him while pulling at the bear! But Jake seems to be enjoying all the fun! Tomorrow we’re going to try and get him to swim…

8 Responses to “Day 50 – Still no improvement”

  1. ldillon81 says:

    HAHA!! Too funny. That Wolfie looks like a feisty little bugger, but Jake doesn’t seem to mind one bit! In fact, he looks perfectly content to just lay on his bed and chew his toy…sounds good to me. Ahhh…a dog’s life would be nice – and then we wouldn’t be worrying all the time 😛

  2. admin says:

    Oh, that Wolfie … Jake looks so happy! We hope he’s back on his feet soon.

  3. mercysmom says:

    Oh, rest assured, I got excited and wanted to take pics when she finally figured out pottying…it was a breakthrough moment! But I was too much of a doting worried mom to pull out my phone for fear I wouldn’t be able to catch her! I understand what you’re saying about the pain meds helping the pain after surgery, and I expect that there will still be the acute pain that catches her off guard. It was just a scary moment. We got through it, and we’ve been okay for the rest of the day. I can tell she’s restless and bored, but I haven’t figured out what she would like to have and won’t hurt herself on.

    I was worried the prices on the k9carts would be steep, I haven’t priced one in years. I just wasn’t sure if you knew about that option. I’m sending positive thoughts your way that Jake will start feeling better with the Adequan. He certainly looks like he’s still such a happy boy in every other way. Perhaps search around a bit on craigslist and ebay to see if anyone has any used k9carts? The only potential problem is that they’re usually made to size for the patient. Something is better than nothing to save your poor back, though!

  4. band09 says:

    Good evening sorry to read that Jake’s legs are still weak. I really hope that he has a turn around very soon. Bandit too is still struggling with his rear legs and like you I am hoping for the best and taking it one day at a time. We are sending out some prayers and wishes for Jake! Take care and we’ll be thinking of you both! ~ Misty & Bandit

  5. Jake really looks happy! Hopefully his back legs start to work in his favor. Peyton also struggles with his back legs, but mostly coordination. We are sending good thoughts your way! Keep us posted

  6. glaucomyssabrinus says:

    Jake is such a handsome white-faced boy. We are rooting for you Jakester. Get strong!

  7. Codie Rae says:

    Hang in there Jake! We are thinking of you and sending you lots of pawsitive energy. Take your time buddy, healing up from major surgery often seems like it is one step forward, then two steps back. You sure look like you are enjoying life, in spite of it all. Hopefully the drugs will help too!

    Codie Rae

    BTW, your little brother sure is cute! 🙂 Oh, and you are very handsome as well ;), yes you are, I am just a little partial……

  8. shiloanne says:

    We are pulling for you Jake… Although I would love to be laying out in the sunshine right now.. We have YUCKY weather. Seems your brother sure is keeping you on your toes and trying to get you to come on and play already.

    We are all pulling for you here.. He is such a handsome boy!!

    Shilo and Mom

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