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Day 6

Today (6 days post-op) was a much better day than yesterday!

Jake was sleeping all morning , and I decided to take Wolfie out to swim in the pool. I didn’t want to leave Jake alone, but also don’t want him to get his bandage wet… So I placed his bed in front of the sliding doors in the livingroom, so he could watch all the action. He immediately perked up and even stood up a couple of times. We only stayed out for about an hour… enough to get Wolfie a good workout (I really can’t wait til Jake can finally go swimming again!). When we came back in, Jake got up by himself and hopped over to us. I gave him his favorite cookies and then started to cook their chicken and rice stew for the week. Later that day, when Jacques came home from work, Jake got up again and hopped over to the door with Wolfie to greet him, like he used to do.

Each day seems like an eternity… and I can’t wait for Jake to be able to hop around everywhere, without me panicking that he looses his balance and falls down.  Friday morning, we have to remove Jake’s bandage and examin his incision. I’ll take some pictures then, and post to the blog for everyone to see.

I haven’t had much time to cry lately … can’t even think about the future… just trying to get through from day to day. I have to go back to work next week and I’m dreading that. But that’s in 4 more days, and I’m hoping Jake is doing a million times better by then.

6 Responses to “Day 6”

  1. horacia says:

    Hi Marguerite,
    Such a nice update! Great that he is more active!
    Jake will do wonderful when you are away working. Don’t worry too much… he will surely rest while you are away and store his energy for when you are there to play with him and Wolfie.
    The pictures in “about” are beautiful.
    & Spirit Hori

  2. Tina says:

    Hi Marguerite,

    Sounds like you guys had the same kind of day as us… Our big excitement was the Fed Ex guy delivering the new harness. Not sure that we’ll actually use it much because he’s hopping/loping/galloping pretty well through the grass. His pain seems to be minimal. Sleeping a lot but I thing that’s what he’d be doing anyway..? Since I’m not here most of the day, I’m pretty sure that’s what he does when I’m gone. From now on, I’m going to figure out a way to take him to work with me.

    Jake and Wolfie look like they’re enjoying their new toys… I know Toby would love to have one too – you’ve inspired me to get him one. When Sophie was still here, she was the keeper of the toys. She’d put them all in her mouth at the same time. God rest her soul – I know she would be taking great care of Toby at this time. You’re lucky that you have Wolfie..

    Off to bed soon. Sweet dreams you guys.. Hugs, T

  3. tootsweets says:

    I thought I would stop by and visit your blog today! What a difference a day (or a couple of days) makes! It is really encouraging to read about Jake and to see that even with the ups and downs Jake sounds like he is doing really well. It really makes you appreciate the small things. I never could have imagined that I would be so excited for Toto to lift his head, stand up, wag his tail, pee! Don’t worry about the future too much. Enjoy the present (I know… a lot harder than it sounds!).

  4. hosta0403 says:

    Thanks for sharing Jakes story. I have a 5 1/2 year old who was just diagnosed with osteosarcoma. I am having a hard time deciding to amputate or not to amputate. Everyone’s stories are a true help to me.

  5. Lori says:

    I don’t know if this would help you and Jake, but at the Petsupermarket I work for we sell a softer elizibethean collar. It is black and will still protect Jake from licking, but isn’t as hard when he goes to sleep and lay on it. My friend Emily works at the Petsupermarket in St. Pete Beach, but there is one in clearwater as well. If you think it is something that will help and want to get one shipped to them they probably have them on Foster and Smith. I will check…

    Here is link. Don’t know how much longer he has to wear, just something to think about and something to spend MORE money on! Glad he is doing so well, don’t get sick girl! Doggies can’t take care of you right now! 🙂

    Love ya,

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