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Week 1

Yesterday:  It’s been exactly 7 days since Jake’s surgery. He was sleeping all morning, but seemed in much better spirits than the day before.


He actually got up several times and hopped around all by himself… no sling!



Then his Auntie Doris came over to visit and brought some yummy treats for Jake and Wolfie.



After the visit, Jake was super tired… He slept the rest of the day, with Wolfie closeby.


8 Responses to “Week 1”

  1. cairasue says:

    I love to see the squirrels and ducks are still making an appearance!

  2. gineej says:

    It is always good to have a visit from your Auntie! Paris loves & adores her Auntie Lori!

  3. It was nice 2 see Jake up and walking! He is such a trouper! We had a lot of fun with ya’ll!

  4. Hey Jake’s mom,

    Yea–Jake and Polo look alike according to the first pic–wow. Did you guys get him in Panama City? That’s where Polo came from (where I picked him up anyway).

    We found him through the Emerald Coast Golden Retriever Rescue–headquartered in Fort walton Beach (as you may have read).

    Polo and Mike

  5. Polo says:

    Wolfie and Jake seem like the best of friends. Polo’s first brother, Buddy (Bubba) who was our “First Born” was a Shepherd/Chow mix. We lost him to an auto-immune (anemic) disease last New Year’s Eve. I have a lot of love and respect for Shepherds (especially my Bubba—and the Chow part). Unlike this situation, he became sick and was gone in a week. I’m glad we have time to work on Polo’s bucket list (hopefully a lot of time). Rocco is a Shepherd/Rotty mix—goofball (in a good way) and a handful. He’s not very social (working on it) but he loves Polo, looks at him when situations come up, as if to ask what he should do. Your boys are handsome—we don’t have a video camera but thought we’d go get one to post some video.

    Mike and Polo

  6. Polo says:

    You guys have been through more than anyone should have to and I know you feel the same as us–that your dogs are you kids. I wish we could have them longer. We plan on doing as much as we can with Polo for as long as we can. Polo could care less what we do as long he’s with us–he’s always so happy.

    Anywho–I’m back to work this week, staying busy and for some reason photos are dropping out of the blog–I have electronical issues. Take care and happy swimming.

    Mike and Polo

  7. Polo says:

    Polo’s really starting to do the things he used to do. Today he was on the couch (I was at work–he was home with mom) and his leg got stuck in the T-shirt he was wearing–he fell and bruised his ego (he’s sensitive). He’s fine–I’ll be glad when the stitches come out. We opt for a T-shirt over the lamp shade. Mom fashioned a wrap out of fabric to prevent snags… I’ll shot/post some pics this weekend.

    Is there an easier way to answer comments from the blog? Saw most recent on the Dashboard. I’m not good at Bolgging.

  8. jakesmom says:

    Yah… I’m finding it a little hard to keep up with everyone’s blogs and the forum too. But I just take an hour in the evenings (or mornings before going to work) and just try to catch up with everyone’s updates and comments…

    The first two weeks Jake wore a T-shirt… but when we would leave the room for a few minutes, we’d come back and catch him licking at his incision through the T-shirt. The T-shirt would get wet so I’d have to change it… didn’t want any moisture over the incision. We definitely would put the dreaded E-collar on him when we’d leave for work… just in case.

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