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It is with such deep sadness and regret that I write these words… Yesterday morning, Jake lost his battle to bone cancer. He lived his life to the fullest… in spite of this horrible and deadly disease…

The last week of his life, he started having difficulty with weakness in his back legs. The last few days, he was no longer able to walk on his own. We had to use his harness to lift him and help him walk. The last Sunday afternoon/evening of his life, he started having extreme pain in his back area whenever he tried to move. The pain meds were no longer effective. The cancer had most likely metastasized to his spine.

On Monday morning, we brought him to the vet and we said our final good-byes… It was so difficult for us… but Jake is no longer in pain.

Jake lived almost 8 weeks after his surgery, and almost 10 weeks since he first broke his leg and received the horrible diagnosis of osteosarcoma (bone cancer). He recovered from his amputation surgery fairly quickly, within a week or so and since then, most of that time was spend hopping around (like a big golden bunny), playing, eating, swimming and cuddling with us.

Jake was one of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet!! He was a very loved and happy dog. We have no regrets in having the surgery for Jake… It gave him almost 8 more weeks of quality time spent with us. 

For those of you dealing with a similar diagnosis, please join You will find a wealth of valuable information and alot of loving support from others going through the exact same thing as you.

angel Jake1

 Our sweet angel Jake, we will never forget you… and we will always love you!!! Your mom and dad, Marguerite & Jacques, and your ‘little’ brother, Wolfie…

Rest in peace our sweet golden angel… and safe passage over the Rainbow Bridge.


16 Responses to “Our Golden Angel Jake…”

  1. band09 says:

    Again I am so very sorry and hurt for you all! Thank you so very much for sharing Jake’s life with us, you probably have no idea how many lives Jake and your family have touched and helped. I know for a fact that you & Jake have truly been a huge part of our lives over the last 6 weeks and we will continue to think of you and Jake often. I hope you will continue to post on your blog so those of us can still be apart of your lives and Wolfie’s as well. Sending you hugs & prayers!
    Love ~ Misty & Bandit

    I found a poem recently that was very touching and in some strange way made me cry but yet made me feel some sense of peace. Just wanted to share it with you.

    A Dog’s Prayer
    To Those Who Love & Those Who Love Me

    When I am gone, release me, let me go-
    I have so many things to see and do.
    You must not tie yourself to me with tears,
    Be happy that we had so many years.
    I gave you my love, you can only guess
    How much you gave me in happiness.
    I thank you for the love you have each shown.
    But now it is time I traveled alone.
    So grieve awhile for me if grieve you must,
    Then let your grief be comforted by trust,
    It is only for a while that we must part,
    So bless the memories within your heart,
    I will not be far away, for life goes on,
    So if you need me, call and I will come.
    Though you can not see or touch me, I will be near.
    And if you listen with your heart, you will hear
    All my love around you soft and clear.
    And then, when you must come this way alone,
    I will greet you with a smile and “Welcome Home”.

  2. admin says:

    Thank you for being part of the Tripawds family and sharing Jake’s story with everyone here. We will always remember him as a lover, a fighter, a hero, and peaceful sweetheart.

  3. Opie says:

    Jake’s Mom

    You probably have no idea how much your posts and comments helped me in deciding what to do for my golden boy, Opie. We have only known you and Jake for two weeks, but in that time you have made all the difference.
    Your blog was always the first one I went to when I logged on. Last night, Joe and I cried when we learned about Jake. I laid awake thinking about him and what you were going through and remembered all of my angel dogs, Ring, Freckles, Trent, Tundra, Griz, and Zach. No matter how many dogs you have in life, it never gets any easier, yet we do it all over again because each one teaches us that the joys of having a dog or two in our lives far outweighs the price we have to pay for that privilege in the end. Sometimes friends or family will ask if I am sad I never had any kids…but in my mind I have had the best kids in the world. I just tell them, “I think I was put on earth to make a few dogs’ lives a little bit better.” I can tell that you made Jake’s life the best that it could be.

    Thanks Opie’s Mom

  4. Ben says:

    Jake travel safely over the Rainbow Bridge with the comfort that the love that Wolfie and your Pawrents had for you is boundless.

    Wolfie and Pawrents lean on eachother and rechoice in the gift that was Jake.

    Ben and the Fellas

  5. Dane Mom Sue says:

    I am so very sorry to hear about Jake. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Sue and Nova

  6. I’m sorry about Jake. He was such a pretty boy.

  7. I made the mistake of reading your blog while I was at work. I couldn’t stop the tears from coming! I think everyone would agree that we have become a special little family and we feel the pain of everyone else. We feel like we knew Jake even though we never met in person! He was a very lucky boy to have such wonderful parents and brother. You fought when you needed to and gave him two extra quality months! I am guessing your bond with Jake grew much stronger in the last couple months! We hope (if you feel up to it) that you will continue to post to our blogs. Your words are always wonderful to read! Take care and remember you are a wonderful family. If I could hug you I would! Jake is looking down on you so make sure you enjoy life and do the things he loved doing! We miss you Jake!

    Kris, Cami, Peyton and Dillon

  8. cairasue says:

    Gosh. I don’t know what to say. My life has been so busy and I haven’t kept up. I signed on today and saw this, Mr. Jake is swimming on the other side.
    You know, watching Jake has really cheered me. You and your stories. Your family. Today has to be such a hard day for you. You are very strong people to have cared for Jake through all this and taken him for his final journey.
    You are in my thoughts. Take care.

  9. tootsweets says:

    I haven’t been on the boards for a little while, and I just got your message. I sent you a PM, but I just want to say that I am so sorry about Jake! I know you guys must be going through such a rough time. You truly are wonderful people for everything you did for Jake. I honestly believe that Jake is in a better place, where there is no such thing as cancer, running, playing, and swimming without pain.


    Kristin, Toto, and family

  10. jakesmom says:

    Thank you everyone for your heartfelt and caring comments and poems… My husband and I appreciate them all! Even though our hearts are so broken right now… they give us great comfort!

    Our house and our hearts are so empty now… We feel Jake in every corner of the house… Wolfie keeps looking for his brother everywhere! He doesn’t understand why Jake isn’t here… but he can still smell him! When I made dinner for Wolfie last nite, he kept turning around, looking for Jake (they always ate together!). I had to tell him it was OK to start eating… My heart just sank!

    Thank you again for being there for us, during this whole scary journey… I am so blessed to have found you all!!!

    Marguerite (Jake’s Mom)

  11. Christina and Solo says:

    It has been awhile since I have logged on to the website and as I sit here reading your words the tears are flowing down my face. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Jake. His blog was the one I always went to and he gave us such hope as we went through our own journey with Solo. He truly was an adorable, sweet, loving dog – even though I never met him in person I felt like I knew him. Every time I watched a video and read your words I felt inspired by the love you have given to him. I have no doubt that Jake had one of the most loving homes any dog could ever ask for. The loss of a beloved dog is always heart wrenching as they have a way of weaving their spirit completely into our lives. Jake has made your life so much richer and he will always be close in your hearts. I hope in time your tears turn to a smile on your face when you think of all of your happy times with Jake. Our thoughts are with you!
    Christina and Solo

  12. Mackenzie's Mom says:

    We are so sorry to hear about your loss with Jake. I just recently found Tripawds as I now have a tripawd. Her surgery was just this last Friday. My golden looks a lot like yours and your blog was one that I followed closely. It brought tears to my eyes when I heard the news and it still does. Thank you for sharing your story as it was very inspiring and uplifting. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Jake was a true gift and our beloved dogs really show us what unconditional love is all about.
    Wishing you comfort and peace during this very difficult time.
    Mackenzie’s Mom

  13. shiloanne says:

    I missed Jake’s blog but posted on the forum our deepest sympathies. I hope that Wolfie gets to feeling better soon. I know when Pebbles (our other rottie) died 11 months ago, Shilo struggled as well. The vet had cut some of Pebble’s hair for me to take home to Shilo to smell. She said that she would smell the scent of her being gone and it would help. I don’t know if it did or not, Shilo aged and changed from that day. It was like one day a puppy then next a more aged girl. We will keep you and Wolfie in our thoughts…. I am so glad you have choosen to continue here to give advise, and place a blog here when you put up her memorial blog. I would love to see it!!

    Hugs –

    Shilo and Alisa

  14. maggiesfamily says:

    We are so sorry to hear of your loss. Jake was such a great dog. Our hearts and prayers are with you and your family. We wish Wolfie the best and hope he comforts you in this time of loss. We are all here for you <3

  15. Tracy, Maggie's Mom says:

    Hi Jakesmom,

    I am so sorry to read of your Jake passing. I came to your blog to get to know you and your tripawd more. I was so saddened to see that he has passed.

    Take care in the days ahead to try to heal from his death.


    Tracy & Maggie

  16. Gina says:

    So sad for you….one of my favorite poems….

    So This is where we part, My Friend,
    and you’ll run on, around the bend,
    gone from sight, but not from mind,
    new pleasures there you’ll surely find.
    I will go on, I’ll find the strength,
    life measures quality, not its length.
    One long embrace before you leave,
    share one last look, before I grieve.
    There are others, that much is true,
    but they be they, and they aren’t you.
    And I, fair, impartial, or so I thought,
    will remember well all you’ve taught.
    Your place I’ll hold, you will be missed,
    the coat I stroked, the nose I kissed,.
    And as you journey to your final rest,
    take with you this…..I loved you best.
    ~Author Unknown

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