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It’s been 12 days since Jake lost his battle with bone cancer… Wolfie has been missing his older brother alot… He wanders around the house… seems to be looking for Jake…

Today we took Wolfie to play in the pool… He really enjoyed it! He took a little break from swimming… and I wonder if he was thinking about Jake…

We all miss Jake so much!!!


12 Responses to “Wolfie missing his brother…”

  1. Zeus says:

    This is Buddy reaching out to give you a paw Wolfie – I’m Zeus’ brother and I know how hard it is to lose your best pal…the one you spend every waking moment with. I’m still having a hard time and it’s been 2 1/2 months since we lost Zeus. Just like for our people, it takes time…

    Glad you had a great time in the pool – Mom and I like to walk in the woods and see lots of deer ~ it helps.

    Mom and I are thinking about you and your people….

    Paws forever –

  2. gineej says:

    this photo says it all………..

  3. Hang in there Wolfie! We all miss Jake! Be strong for your Mom and Dad. They need you more than ever now. It is very sad to watch a dog lose a friend because they can’t express how they feel in words. Makes you wonder how they feel or what they think. We hope you are spoiling Wolfie like crazy!!! We loved all of the pictures from Jake’s Life in Pictures. Take Care! Thanks for staying on the blog your words are always an inspawration to the rest of us!

  4. Opie says:

    Hi Wolfie,

    I know it must be hard to not have your brother to play and swim with. But isn’t it great you had him? I don’t have any siblings, so I really don’t know what it is like or what you are going through, but time will ease the pain and all of us someday will be with Jake again. I’ll bet he swims every day where he is.

    I have heard my mom talk about the two dogs she had before I was ever born. Griz was a golden retriever and Zach was his son, he was a big boy, golden/great pyrenese mix. Anyway when Griz died, Zach missed him very much, but then something amazing happened. Mom began to realize that Zach was a really lovey-dovey dog. Griz was dominant over Zach and though they were great friends, Griz’s strong personality had masked what a big snuggler Zach really was. Mom and Zach became much closer. So, remember Jake fondly, and give all that love you have for him to your Mom & Pop. Jake will be proud of you for helping them get better.


    PS. I am glad your mom is still posting. I know your and her experiences grieving for Jake will help so many others. You obviously have really cool pawrents.

  5. admin says:

    We miss Jake too. Maybe it is his spirit who is chasing Wolfie around the house!

  6. tootsweets says:

    🙁 Poor Wolfie. It is even weird to see a picture of him without Jake. 🙁

  7. shiloanne says:

    OH Wolfie… We give you big hugs and rubs buddy!! Give a big ol’ lick to your Mom & Dad too… Hang tough we will be thinking of you…

    Shilo & Mom

  8. Ben says:

    Hang in there Wolfie and the peeps. It takes time – nothin’ but time. Easy to say hard to get through. I bet he is swimmin’ right beside ya…

  9. tmayers says:

    I was so sorry to read about Jake – I can’t even express how sad I am right now. I’ve been so busy with other stuff that I haven’t been keeping up with the site…. Oh, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I appreciated your comments on Toby’s blog. I wish I would have paid closer attention to the “angle Jake” signature – I’m pretty slow.

  10. romeo2 says:

    Dear Wofie: We just want you to know we are thinking of you big guy. That picture by the pool is a heartbreaker—
    we can imagine what you are thinking. But we’re so proud of you for getting out there and swimming!

    We love all the Jake and Wolfie stories and pictures. The one where you are just a little guy sleeping with your
    big brother is so sweet.

    We know you’re a comfort to your pawrents and they love you so much. Please know we think of you, your family,
    and Golden Angel Jake everyday.
    Sending you our love, Romeo, Eve, and family

  11. Christina says:

    Hey Wolfie,
    So sad to see you without your brother. Hang in there buddy. It has been awhile since we have been to the website and we miss seeing all of the stories about you and your brother. Keep strong and give your Mom and Dad lots of love and snuggles. Together you will all get through this.

  12. band09 says:

    Good Morning Jake’s Mom & Wolfie,

    I wish we lived closer, we’d swing in for some play time with Bandit and our two lil goldens to put a sparkle in Wolfie’s eyes…even for a little bit : )

    I bet you all really miss Jake and I feel so bad for you! I am happy to see though that you still keep in touch and updated with all of us other Tripawd’s families. I think of you all very often and I tuly hope your days are getting easier 🙁

    You stay in touch and know you’re in our prayers!

    ~ Love, Misty & Bandit
    Holding onto Hope

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