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On March 9th, it will be 4 months since we lost Jake… I can’t believe that he has been gone longer than he was sick and dealing with his cancer… It still seems like such a bad dream… a bad nitemare…

In the meantime… Nala has been filling our household and our hearts with so much joy and laughter. Nala is so full of life… She climbs into bed with me and Jacques when we go to sleep and falls asleep between us… When Jacques moves around too much during the nite, she climbs out and lies by our feet, next to Wolfie… I wish that Jake was here… he would have enjoyed her so much!

9 Responses to “Amost 4 months have gone by…”

  1. maggie says:

    Wow, Angel, I can’t believe it’s been 5 months either… Just SUCKS. Nala is so cute 🙂


    Tracy, Maggie’s Mom

  2. anyemery says:

    I agree with Tracy – this disease really stinks. We’re sending hugs your way…

    And Nala is so adorable – I loved watching her play with the water and with Wolfie! Wolfie makes here look so little!

    Holly and Holly’s mom

  3. Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Your video is too cute.

    Jake was a handsome, handsome dog!

  4. Opie says:

    Nala is really cute and fun. Lucky Wolfie to have such a cool sister…even if she is a lesser species than he is. : ) Opie

  5. Mackenzie's Mom says:

    I can’t believe that it’s already 5 months. You were the first blog I read and followed right after Mackenzie was diagnosed. I couldn’t get over how much Jake and Mackenzie looked alike either. My heart broke for you when you lost Angel Jake….so incredibly special, such an inspiration. Well, it looks like Nala and Wolfie are carrying on the spirit of Jake. I mean, what cat do you know likes to play in the water??? Must be Jake coming through somehow with his love for the water. His spirit lives on forever….

  6. The time sure does go by fast. It reminds us to really enjoy the now! It is hard to believe Jake has been gone for 5 months 🙁 ! We miss him too even though we didn’t know him in person.

    Enjoy your kitten Wolfie! Seems like you have your paws full!!


    Dillon and new baby brother Rhys

  7. jakesmom says:

    In my mind I guess I thought it was much longer, but it’s actually only been 4 months… I miss my golden angel… 🙁

    Angel Jake’s Mom

  8. Sophie's mom (Tana) says:

    The video is hilarious. Poor Wolfie doesn’t stand a chance with the little quadpawd (thanks, Opie, I love that word) – fast and clawed!

    My sincere sympathies on losing your Jake. We just lost our 14 year old Golden, Keaton, on February 9th. Sophie, his 12 year old sister – also a Golden, is our new tripawd – as of a week ago.

    Jake looks like he was a beautiful retriever. They really are angels in fur coats.

    Sophie’s mom (Tana)

  9. cometdog says:

    Sorry I missed this!
    Can’t help but falling in love with Nala! Wolfie is such a sweetheart!

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