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I came across this video I had taken of Jake just 2 days before we lost him. I had no idea then, that he would be gone so soon. It was a beautiful sunny Florida day… Cool early November with a nice breeze blowing through Jake’s golden fur. You can hear our wind chimes blowing in the wind. Jake was just chillin’ and watching the birds and the squirrels… You can hear Wolfie whine a little in the background, because no one wanted to play with him.

I can’t listen to that song anymore (When September Ends) without crying. I miss my sweet golden angel so much!! I wish I could just kiss his sweet face one more time… 🙁

16 Responses to “It’s been 5 months…”

  1. Carmen (Catie's Mom) says:

    Oh, what a darling.

    And yes, I heard the wind chimes and Wolfie’s little whine. How contented Jake looks!

    Jakesmom, I would cry every time I heard that song too.

  2. jack crowder says:

    What a handsome boy!

    Hanging out at the pool just chillin, very, very sweet, thanks for sharing.

    the chauffeur

  3. rubyaz says:

    Beautiful Sweet Jake, Thank You for sharing your boy with us.

    Jo Ann & Tasha

  4. I almost was afraid to play this because I knew I would tear up to see Angel Jake and just as I thought, I did. He looks so peaceful and contented – I imagine it warms your heart to watch this video but also is a reminder that he’s in heaven now and how much you miss him. Such a beautiful sweet Angel…..
    Kami (Mackenzie’s Mom)

  5. Sophie's mom (Tana) says:

    What a wonderful keepsake you have with this video. Jake looks relaxed – he’s just taking in the sounds and smells of his world. It is so very comforting in being able to bury your head in a dog’s neck – kissing their beautiful face.

    I know exactly what you mean.

    I miss doing that with my goldie, Keaton, too. He was always willing to have a full body cuddle and let me smooch him. Sometimes he would kiss me back – but his big tongue would get stuck and he would look like he’d stuck his tongue to a metal pole in the winter. 🙂

    Their smell stays in your memory forever.

    I couldn’t listen to the song without crying, either. Jack was certainly a beautiful dog, and sounds like he had a beautiful soul too.

    Hugs and licks,
    Tana and Sophie

  6. Sophie's mom (Tana) says:

    Sorry – I meant “Jake”. (my son’s name is Jack)

  7. Tehya's Mom says:

    I’m right there with you I can’t believe how much I miss Tehya as well. This is a beautiful video to have and I’m sure you will treasure it always.

    Darlene Agenl Tehya’s Mom

  8. krispikritter says:

    Wow…I met Magic’s vet when she came to the house to help our wolfdog Wolf to the Bridge. The windchimes were ringing but there was no music. This took me right back there….I could almost feel Jake’s fur and understand oh exactly how you feel….

  9. cometdog says:

    Oh that was heart-wrenching! He looked so stoic and brave.
    I wish it didn’t hurt so bad. I will catch myself watching videos of Rugby with the volume turned off so Comet doesn’t hear him bark. (he always was talking)

    Thank you for sharing.

  10. jerry says:

    Beautiful, beautiful Jake. We miss him tremendously too. Since you and Jake showed up here at Tripawds, you have helped sooo many people. We wish we could bring Jakey back in return for all you have done.

    Such a sweet boy. I love the way his eyes lit up when Wolfie whined.

    many, many hugs to you. I can’t believe it’s been 5 months already.

  11. romeo2 says:

    Dear Marguerite and family: This is a beautiful video. Jake seems just to be enjoying the moment, just taking it all in, so full of love, so wise.
    We remember all the joy he found in the pool. We loved all your stories.

    We know he’s watching over you. Please know we’ll always remember Jake.

    Give Wolfie and Nala a big hug from our family!

    Love, Eve and Romeo

  12. admin says:

    We miss Jake too, and can’t thank you enough for remaining such a supportive member of this community! Hard to believe it’s been five months… Peace.

  13. We miss that handsome golden boy!!

    Dillon and Rhys

  14. vampirebillsmom says:

    what a beautiful video! and what a strong brave baby! You are too, thank you for visiting me and helping me. I know words cannot help, but I am thinking of you and him. He was so blessed to have you and you him 🙂 it’s wonderful you had each other and he’s always in your heart. hugs

  15. Ginger says:

    Oh my, Jake was such a handsome little man! My pawrents’ and my hearts go out to you. Us Golden families have to stick together. I know you have such wonderful memories of your wonderful Jake. And how great that you have the videos to see him again, although that is probably bitter sweet.

    Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers,

  16. ldillon81 says:

    I was coming to tell you to post more video of Nala, and found that I had a bunch of entries to catch up on! I can’t believe I missed them…Nala is SOOOOOOO precious and how she plays with Wolfie is adorable. The video of Jake is wonderful as well – I love how his fur is blowing in the breeze (i had the volume off)…he reminds me of Aslan from the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. I miss Jake, but I am very glad that you continue to stay with us! Your words of encouragement mean a lot, and I am glad that I got the chance to “meet” Jake 🙂

    <3 Laura

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