Posted in Uncategorized on Dec 31st, 2009
We’ve had the kittie for a week and a half now… and still no permanent name that both Jacques and I can agree on. We hope to give her a name before the end of the year… OMG! That’s tonite!! 🙂
Wolfie is loving her more and more each day (so are we!)… She is 11 weeks old now… and still so tiny. I keep worrying that Wolfie will step on her and squish her, but she seems to be holding her own. She’s one tough cookie, that’s for sure!
Here’s a video I took of them together this morning… She is totally not afraid of him, though at times I think she gets annoyed with all his licking and mouthing. 🙂
Posted in Uncategorized on Dec 26th, 2009
So for the past few days, Wolfie has been getting used to his new baby sister. She is so tiny… and at times he’s a little too rough… but she is a pretty tough little cookie herself. Her name is still up in the air… sometimes it’s Nala (from Lion King), sometimes it’s Porscha… Nothing has stuck yet… but she is still so adorable and has brought so much joy into all our lives.

Christmas was just a little bit more tolerable since she came to our home! It’s just like she was a tiny little gift from up above… to help us get through loosing our sweet Jake. He was so missed at Christmas!!
Merry Christmas to all my family, friends and all my Tripawds family!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on Dec 22nd, 2009
Many of our Tripawds members have all been through so much this year… Some of us have recently lost our babies… some have been hanging in there with many ups and downs along the way… others are just begining their journeys.
I just wanted to wish you all, and my family and friends, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May this new year be filled with alot of love, hope, strength and happiness!

Posted in Uncategorized on Dec 20th, 2009
So hubby went out Christmas shopping today… and came home with a new addition to our family… OMG! I can’t let him go shopping alone! 🙂
There was a cat rescue organization at PetCo today… and he fell in love with this little kittie! I think we’re going to name her Selina (after Catwoman). She is just 8 weeks old. Wolfie is very excited to get to know his new ‘sister’… I just wish that Jake was still here with us… He would have loved her too!!
These pictures and videos were taken within the first half hour of her coming home… Wolfie hasn’t eaten her yet… and she doesn’t seem to mind too much getting slimed by him… So far… so good! 🙂

Posted in Uncategorized on Dec 18th, 2009
Just wanted to wish all my jewish family and friends a Happy last nite of Hanukkah!!!

This was taken during last year’s celebrations…
Posted in Uncategorized on Dec 14th, 2009
It’s been exactly 5 weeks since we said good-bye to our sweet golden angel… Wolfie seems to be doing a little bit better. Here he is taking comfort with his big teddy bear… It’s a poor replacement for Jake, but at least he has something to snuggle up to… We, on the other hand… are not doing so well. I know that time is supposed to heal all wounds… but when??!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on Nov 30th, 2009
It’s been just 3 weeks since we lost Jake… but it feels like only yesterday he was still here with us. It’s so hard to believe that he is really gone… I miss my sweet golden angel so much… He had the most beautiful smile and the biggest heart… He was always so happy!

Wolfie seems to be doing a little better the past few days. He’s moping around a little less, but he’s still acting very needy and clingy to us. He sits in front of us and starts whining, like he wants something… but he doesn’t seem to know what.
Jacques took him out in the backyard to play yesterday and he seemed to enjoy himself…
Here are some pictures of Wolfie once we tired him out… He’s such a sweety!!

One day, Wolfie will get a new baby brother, or sister… but not for a while. Our hearts are too broken right now…
Posted in Uncategorized on Nov 21st, 2009
It’s been 12 days since Jake lost his battle with bone cancer… Wolfie has been missing his older brother alot… He wanders around the house… seems to be looking for Jake…
Today we took Wolfie to play in the pool… He really enjoyed it! He took a little break from swimming… and I wonder if he was thinking about Jake…
We all miss Jake so much!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on Nov 10th, 2009
It is with such deep sadness and regret that I write these words… Yesterday morning, Jake lost his battle to bone cancer. He lived his life to the fullest… in spite of this horrible and deadly disease…
The last week of his life, he started having difficulty with weakness in his back legs. The last few days, he was no longer able to walk on his own. We had to use his harness to lift him and help him walk. The last Sunday afternoon/evening of his life, he started having extreme pain in his back area whenever he tried to move. The pain meds were no longer effective. The cancer had most likely metastasized to his spine.
On Monday morning, we brought him to the vet and we said our final good-byes… It was so difficult for us… but Jake is no longer in pain.
Jake lived almost 8 weeks after his surgery, and almost 10 weeks since he first broke his leg and received the horrible diagnosis of osteosarcoma (bone cancer). He recovered from his amputation surgery fairly quickly, within a week or so and since then, most of that time was spend hopping around (like a big golden bunny), playing, eating, swimming and cuddling with us.
Jake was one of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet!! He was a very loved and happy dog. We have no regrets in having the surgery for Jake… It gave him almost 8 more weeks of quality time spent with us.
For those of you dealing with a similar diagnosis, please join You will find a wealth of valuable information and alot of loving support from others going through the exact same thing as you.

Our sweet angel Jake, we will never forget you… and we will always love you!!! Your mom and dad, Marguerite & Jacques, and your ‘little’ brother, Wolfie…
Rest in peace our sweet golden angel… and safe passage over the Rainbow Bridge.

Posted in Uncategorized on Nov 7th, 2009
Today was a really beautiful and sunny day here in Florida. There was a nice breeze blowing… Jake was enjoying himself just lying in the warm sun. He still can’t get up or walk on his own… We were secretly hoping that the sun might have some healing powers on his back and legs… but unfortunately, it didn’t… but it did feel good.

Wolfie decided to take a little break and join his older brother in the sun…

Just a little friendly arguing over the teddy bear…

Just look at that adorable face… Isn’t he a sweetheart?